Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Attraction Effect

Human behavior is so interesting because our choices can sometimes defy reason. Take this example cited in Made to Stick about a study by Shafir and Redelmeier.

Students were given two options to spend their evening...

1. Attend a lecture by an author you admire who is visiting just for the evening.
2. Go to the library and study.

21% of students chose to study.

They then added another option...

1. Attend Lecture
2. Go to the library and study.
3. Watch a foreign film you've been wanting to see.

40% of students chose to study.

Unable to choose between two similar "good" options, the students settled for the safe choice of studying. They were uncertain to which "good" option would provide them with more value, but knew that studying would at least give them some utility. The addition of a contrasting option can alter the decision making process. Consumers tend to be more likely to choose between two "good" options if a third inferior option is added.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This comment was interesting. It's incredible how you sometimes forget the fact you use marketing for people and not for statistics. =) Thank you.